Thursday, November 8, 2012

November baby...

Ava is one month now!

So sorry it has taken me a decade to update my blog on her.  Transitioning to be mommy has definitely been an experience!  Ava is doing well!  Her one month check up was awesome!

She weighs 8.44 lbs.  and is 20.25 inches long.  She is eating about 4oz at each feeding every 3 hours.  She's now waking once a night, thank goodness!!  Ava definitely hates a dirty diaper.  She only likes when her daddy swaddles her.  Mommy stinks at it.  I'm only good at cuddling. Bentley and Ava at the moment have a  "I really don't care about you" relationship.  They maintain a peaceful relationship in the same room.  When Ava is gone, he is so relieved and sleeps like a baby haha!!

Ava is really more alert now and active.  Longer wake times.  She loves massages!  and her cute!

She has rolled 3 times. (Once at the doctors and he saw it!  Said we definitely have a crawler soon.  I think I'm in trouble.)
She is now holding my fingers, grabbing my hair.
She loves to lay and do tummy time on her jungle play mat.
She moves her eyes and head.  Totally cute!

My baby is growing up so fast.  It's been fun.  Lots of giggles with her.  Even her giggles startle herself ha!

Her baptism is in a few weeks and cannot wait for another big family reunion and of course, Ava's first thanksgiving!