Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy dada day!!

Happy first Father's Day to an amazing man!

Ava is one lucky girl to have a daddy like Paul.  Your daddy will do anything for you.  So thankful for his feedings, cookings, singing, bathing and rocks to sleep.  You def bring out the best out of us and we couldn't live without you.  We love you!  

We enjoyed the day at Findley market with some yum yum at Pho Lang Thang. We got to see many friends.  Awesome day!  Ended the day with dinner at Sotto and cuddling on the couch with movies.  Life is good.

To even show you all how thoughtful he is, he got Ava and I callas, my favorite flower, in the morning.  He said we make him happy so he got those.  Waking up on a Sunday morning to this is awesome!

We love you P! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Eight months flying by!

Eight!  My baby is 8 months!  Where did the time go?? 

In the 7 months time, Ava accomplished so many milestones.  She crawled faster on all four, she walked along things/walker, said "dada," and climbed on everything (even stairs.) 

Ava started chewing on her puffs (instead of staring at it) and sits in high chairs like a big girl while mommy and daddy eats out.  Life is getting a little easier.  Little. 

It still amazes me that she's 8 months.  We started swimming lessons (finally!  It took us a bit of rearranging but she's still the youngest!) Ava didn't cry but enjoyed it.  After 3 lessons, she's learned to kick like a frog in the water and she has definitely adjusted to the ear to ear on the water.  I couldn't be prouder.  It's funny when the instructor brings the water toys out, Ava's arms goes all crazy to grab it.  So cute! 

Ava has definitely shown more personality.  

She can be dramatic at times (like me.) 

Sleeps like a champ and eats well!  

Ava is so mobile, we had to contain her in "her" area with the gates.  The house is fully baby proofed.  It looks like a daycare center actually.  

Summer is here and we are out and about!  More adventures soon!  Our family vacation is in a few weeks and we can't wait!  Many play dates and stories to come!  

Mommy loves you Ava...

Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day a day late!

So yesterday was Mother's Day.   Blogging crossed my mind, but truly it was a day I did not wanna do anything but play with Ava and relax. I had an awesome Mother's Day. It was just a nice family day.  Nothing over the top.  I just wanted it simple and I got it.  I received a special present that meant the world to me.  I have to say my Hubbie is the most thoughtful man.  Thank you for the sweet gift my love.   It ended up being a chilly day so we stayed in.  

Ava definitely has grown up so much!  Today, we did landscaping (well Paul did) and Ava and I got to show support and watch him.  It's so cute to see how excited she gets now at just a smile.  She def has daddy wrapped around her fingers.  When he just looks at her, she puts on this huge cheese smile and he just melts.  Sooo adorable.

So we laid on a blanket today and played with our toys.  Neighbors got to meet Ava and well it was just a nice chill day. 

Ava crawls!  She started to crawl all over this past weekend.  Perfect for Mother's Day weekend.  Today we also introduced  her to cookies. Puffs, she doesn't like but cookies??  Oh yes, gone!   We tried "earth's best organic vanilla cookies." It was a win!!

So many new milestones and more stories!  Will update more soon!  I'm just enjoying every second of it.  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Ava's royal seat

Today, we spent the day doing what we do best is shop and eat! We ventured out and usually when we are out eating, she's always sleeping. Well, not today.

We had dim sum at Dao. Paul and I thought it was probably okay for Ava to sit in a high chair. We brought out Balboa baby seat cover and voila! She fit! Ava is pretty small, but with the cover it def helped her sit up and not slide off.

She def made us proud. She ate her meal and just smiled and talked herself through lunch. It was such a precious moment. Time sure flies by! Soon she's gonna chow down with us.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Princess turns 7 months!

Happy 7 months to the most adorable loving baby girl ever!

You're so full of laughter and giggles. At the moment, you're sitting, rolling, standing, pulling yourself up, and are on all four legs... Ahem, crawl!

For the past two nights, I gave in and wanted to cuddle with you. We have been sleeping together and I adore watching you sleep. You have grown into such a character. You definitely snore like your dad but sleep pose like your mama.

You complete my heart baby girl. Today you're 7 months and many more things to come. Daddy adores you. He spoiled you with a red convertible walker. It is adorable!! Mrs. Amy has been taking you to the park and you loooooove swings.

I can't wait to see what's new tomorrow.

We love you to pieces.
Xoxo-- mommy

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ava sits herself up!

Okay, Ava's been sitting BUT now she's sitting up by herself. I'm so amazed!!! I has to document this moment because Paul and I are totally over the moon and her smile ahh! So sweet!

Friday, April 19, 2013

There's a new princess in town

Each day as you grow up, you always seem to amaze me and fill my heart with laughter and joy.

Today you're my little princess. I love you. Thank you for being such a great baby. Thank you for giving me a new meaning to life.

Love you Ava.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Welcome Baby Carter

We have another addition to our family. My sil Linda and bil phil had their first baby boy (#3), which makes it #9 for me! Ava has a buddy now and quite frankly, she doesn't know what to think. Compared to carter, she's huge!

We spent this past weekend with the family, celebrated their birthdays, and got the privilege to take their first newborn/family photo session. I'm am truly so proud of my husband's talent. Ava, you opened the doors to your daddy's many talents. You were the key to his hidden talents. Thank you. His eyes are open to something words cannot express. Truly priceless. Here are some photos of our weekend and their session..

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Photos by Daddy

Since Ava was created, Paul has always been so avid about taking pictures of every moment in our lives. Photos tell a story and capture moments that lasts forever.

Our April shots of Ava.

Our half year visit with the doc

6 months is here and she's growing!
Weighing now at 14.9lbs and at 25.75 inches long, she is sassy more than ever.

Ava was given two shots in her legs and she took it like a champ. A moment of wha, but seconds later calmness. I'm a proud mama. She definitely showed off to the doctor her vocals and her strength. It was so cute. Afterwards, we went to the bookstore to buy her some board books as a reward!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy half a year to Ava!

Today she's 6 months and she's full of life. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. Day by day, Ava amazes us with every new talent. She's a jibber jabber now. I'm in love.

She's eating solids so well. I'm still making fresh purée for her (sweet potato, carrots, pears, and peas), but when we are on the go, we feed her "earth's best organic" baby food. Ava is now on level 2 and is chowing down a jar at almost every feeding plus a tbsp of oatmeal plus 8oz I milk. She definitely has a Nguyen appetite.

We are starting to ween out of sleepers and dressing up into more fashion fun clothes. Fitting into 6 months now. It was hard to clean out her closet and stock away her newborn and 3 months. Time sure does fly by.

Ava loves to roll, sit and grab everything in sight. She enjoys her time in the jumperoo and squeals and giggles so much! She's holding her huge bottles and the diapers are definitely fuller. She loves loves Sophie the giraffe! You can hear it squeak every morning. That's when we know, she's awake. A great sleeper: in bed at 830-9pm to 9am. Those baby classes work awesome.

Happy 6 months to my little princess. You are the light of my life!!