Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week 29 ... Starting kick counts and countdown!

As I'm soon approaching to 30 weeks, I can't help but go.. Time flies!!!
I feel like it was just yesterday I told the world "I'm pregnant!" and now she's coming soon.

It's amazing how everything works. Day by day I'm amazed of the baby kicks. How strong it has gotten and how she flips. It really makes me giggle. I'm thankful that everything has been good and strong. I'm still staring at those 3d photos thinking, does she look like me or Paul? Haha

Every morning and night, I've been counting kicks. It's kinda like my bonding time with her. An hour of isolation. We listen to Enya and classical music, then transition to mediation. Lately, my train in thought has been monkey brains! Pregnancy brain has definitely hit me hard and I hate it. I've always been a super organized, say one time kind of girl. I find myself repeating, forgetting, and just plain lost. At work, haha, I'm just there. My receptionists laugh bc I'm so like whatever's now. Maybe this pregnancy will help me mellow out. So far things have been chill except when I'm hungry, that unleashes the dragon in me lol or maybe Ava.

So today is Sunday. Finally got a morning where I can breathe, relax and just enjoy resting. Ava is kicking me a ton. I can't wait to hold her.

So my updates:

Kicks: much more, stronger
Cravings: milk and cereal and chocolate
Weight: still the same
Clothes: same except leggings are starting to flip around the belly band :)

Baby's room: daddy is working on it this week I hope. He has some things in mind and told me not to worry. He's been researching.

Baby shower countdown : one week!!
Started to get gifts and I'm so touched and thankful. Ava is one lucky child to have amazing people around her. She's not even here and the room is almost full. Thank you!!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Baby Ava in 3D

We got to see Ava today and my heart totally melted!! I'm so in love with her!! We went to the ultrasound and with us joined my daddy and niece Michelle.

It was so fun and I couldn't be happier. Ava had her moments where she didn't wanna show her face. She kept hiding behind her hands, but it's comforting to know she has 10 fingers and toes.
I cannot wait for her arrival. It's going to be so much fun!

Tonight, we had our "newbie parent" dinner and our group maternity photos. Our friend's friend, Son, took them. Can't wait to see it and see how they look. Ava got her first pair of booties today. Of course it's pink and girlie. Our first purchase for our baby. So in love!!

I can't stop staring at her ultrasound photos. It's like I can imagine her here in my arms. Ava I love you! Can't wait to hold you.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

July baby heat wave

Whoa! What a wave of heat! This week, KY broke record high in temperature. Thank goodness for air conditioning and swimming pool :)

Today we celebrated my dad's birthday. It is so cute to see him laugh and smile. Showed my dad my baby projects so far, and you could see how amazed he is with all the new things. Tomorrow is the ultrasound appointment!! He is excited to go and see the 3d/4d. Hopefully baby will move more and we get to see her eyes!

I'm about 28 weeks and 4 days. Our babymoon was amazing and I definitely feel relaxed. Baby mission is on. Can't wait to take pics with my girlfriends who are all pregnant. Our group pics tomorrow!

It has been a fun journey being prego and I'm so ready for Ava to come! She has been kicking so much! I placed the phone on my belly to see her kicks and my niece and I couldn't help but giggle at all the wiggles. Really cool experience.

Updates on my belly:

Cravings: cherries and strawberry shakes
Kicks: a lot harder
Weight: up to 4lbs
Fashion: still normal clothes :)
Heels: most def!
sleeping: still trying to adjust from the time change
energy: I have my moments where I'm wiped out and then super energized
Baby room update: finally decided how to decor the room

Few more weeks till the baby shower!! Can't wait! Xoxo