Monday, December 10, 2012

Two!! here we go!

My baby is now two months!!  Well, exactly 10 weeks!  She has been nothing but pure fun and joy.  I seriously cannot believe how much life has changed and how she has made my life wonderful.  Who knew I could love someone else that much besides Paul?? =P

Ava is growing well!  
weight:  10.1 lbs 
height:  22.5 in
head size: 15.67 in 

She eats about 4-5 oz. each feeding and on formula now.  We've gotten to 6 feedings a day.
Diapers...errr STINKY!!  Quite hilarious when she goes #2.  Her grunts are absolutely adorable and I can't help but love watching her push.  haha!  (yes Ava, when you read this, mommy is weird.)

Ava's sleeping through the night!!  We've been very consistent and strict on a schedule and I can proudly say, my daughter sleeps 6-8 hours nightly.  Mommy and Daddy are very happy.  A big thank you to the Walton family for getting us involved in those classes.  It has been truly helpful and we do have the happiest baby!
Ava loves Juicy Couture

Ava is now starting to smile randomly, she giggled for the first time with Uncle Joe at work, she sways back and forth, tries to roll, but gets stuck and cries.  She loves her play mat that Cousins Tony & Trang got.  The jungle is her daily exercise.  Rattles are her eye wonderers and elephants are her cuddle buddies.

Ava ABSOLUTELY loves her bunny swing.  That has been a miracle worker for naps.  She loves the Baby Einstein sea soother in her crib.  She gazes, zones out and passes out staring at the fishies of the sea.  DADDY LOVES IT!  The nap nanny, sadly on recall, but she loves it!  Ava just chills in it while we cook, shower, get ready, or even watches tv.

While we are out, my favorite with her is the bjorn.  I get to bond and snuggle with her while I shop.  I can't try anything on, but maybe it's a good thing.  Though, I tend to go to the kids' section and spend more for her haha.  The carseat is still a bit of a love and hate relationship.  When awake, she cries, in the car she sleeps.  Ava has gotten better when the car stops, but sometimes, she gets a little fit.  Praying in a few months, the divaness fades.

So, lets see...I'm VERY behind!!  Thanksgiving was fun!  All Ava did was sleep, while we all feasted on the lunch.  It was at Papa's house with all the uncles, in laws, and ong ba.  Not much going on there but eat, food coma, and then sleep.

ava with Haley

Ava with Ong Duc and Mommy with the FOOD!

Her baptism was absolutely wonderful!  We got the whole family together and had a wonderful lunch at Maggiano's with everyone.

Ava's vintage Baptism gown kissy kissy

ava with grandma

ava with mommy

 ava with her Godparents: Tommy and Mary

and now...onto christmas!!  

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