Monday, August 27, 2012

35 weeks and 5 days

As I get closer to the date, I am going to try to blog a little more. Since the last time I blogged, I've been feeling pretty good. No more false alarms, no extreme pains, but aches here and there. Eating has been awesome. Cravings?? Very random now. If I smell something, I may want to eat it. Hahaha.

I have to say being pregnant has been amazing and a great experience. Very lucky to have had a good one. A couple years ago I went from thinking I could never have kids to now voila! A baby girl on the way. Timing couldn't be better. People have asked "what about baby #2?". I'll be honest, I have my days. Yes and no to that question. I always wanted a big family, but that was a fantasy and if I won the lottery. Reality, nowadays it's harder. Our parents made it look easy. Yet life was much simpler before.

Yesterday I made canh Chua dau hu. I was pretty proud of myself. Those who know me, I rarely cook. I try to cook often, but just no time. My ultimate judge was my dad, and well he ate it and liked it! Whew! My goal this year is to cook often. Hopefully I can be like my mom, who cooked amazing and people still rave about her food now. I want Ava to know her roots. Yeah I grew up very americanized, but it wouldn't hurt to know her basics. I pray she isn't a picky eater.

Closer to the date, I'm refreshening up on all my books and things. Checking if I missed anything. This waiting game is torture! what would we do if we didn't have the Internet? I am glad to say I have my clients who have helped me immensely with everything. All the advices and tips I got has been great. This mom life is going to be a journey but I can't wait. So much to learn and so much to experience. It's going to be for the good! I can't wait till Ava comes.

Oh! So my little brother Jeff went skydiving. I must say I was worried, but when he landed he called me and said "Ava wanted her uncle." Haha so cute. He flew solo and steered his way down w a parachute. Quite proud. He def has a lot of stories to tell miss Ava. I just hope she doesn't follow his dare devil footsteps! I can see it now, tutu on a dirt bike. Ah! Lol not bad considering that was me when I was a kid.

So a few more days and I'll be in my last month!!! Quite unreal! To those who follow my blog, thanks for keeping up! Ava, when you read this years from now, I'm so happy you're in my life. You make me so happy! You make daddy happy! We can't wait to play and love you to pieces!!!


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