Sunday, February 5, 2012

Baby're so loved!

Dear Baby Peanut,

You are already loved by so many people.  Everyone's so excited and we can't wait for you to grow!
Can you just somehow speed up the 9 months? haha We want to hold you already!

We are so blessed to have a wonderful family and great friends.  Mama Suu (who will be great auntie) and Cousin Mary (who will be great cousin) made you and me Banh Cam.  It was so yummy!  Def enjoyed it.  Thank you to our family at Saigon Sisters for their love of food.  Baby and I were super happy!  Food always puts a smile on mommy's face!

Also, a wonderful surprise from my dear friend Chinh..  We've been friends for almost 18 years now and I have to say I was so surprised.  Baby Peanut, she even got you swaddle blankets!  Def can't wait to use all the things.  Thank you babe!  You are so kind.  Baby loves you lots.

As for the Superbowl weekend, it was a good, yet exhausting one.  Mommy's tiredness is definitely kicking in and Baby, you definitely know how to wear me out =)  Daddy took me to Columbus (a two hour drive) Saturday night to eat Korean BBQ and then today, we went out with Uncle Ted and his friend to see some fishes in the sea at the Aquarium. Daddy is already wanting to improvise a penguin theme for you, but we shall wait and see if you're a boy or a girl.

We are getting more and more excited as the days go by.  There isn't a moment where I haven't stopped thinking of you.  I hope you enjoyed the Thai food I ate earlier.  I left the restaurant with my jeans unbuttoned.  Jeans are getting tight!!    Wednesday is the day we go to the doctors!  Can't wait to hear more great baby news!  We love you Baby Peanut bunches.

Mommy Nee and Daddy P

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